Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Welcome to the An Excellence Agenda Blog.  This space will be used to focus on specific issues around excellence, performance measurement, creativity and innovation.  We will also review how to apply An Excellence Agenda in different kinds of organizations.  

So what is an Excellence Agenda?   Every organization, community or individual I have ever worked with, wants to be excellent.  I have never worked with any community or organization that wanted to be "unexcellent"! Individuals, organizations and communities are not excellent at everything, but every situation wants to demonstrate that what they do, matters.  An Excellent Agenda is a process that provides a process that contributes to Excellence. We do this with two primary tools; performance measurement and Communities of Excellence.

From my work in performance measurement, excellence is an outcome.  You never fully achieve excellence, you can only contribute to it.  An Excellence Agenda is an approach to management and organizational development/design that aims to liberate the latent excellence and unique abilities of all of the staff, and stakeholders to meet community, organizational or individual outcomes.

An Excellence Agenda, is a commitment to provide an environment in which excellence can occur.  That is the primary purpose of management.  If Managers and Executives focus on creating environments in which excellence can occur - staff and stakeholders will overcome massive obstacles to deliver to the mandate of the organization.  To accomplish that requires an performance measurement process that allows you to track where you are and where you are headed in the excellence agenda.

The benefits are numerous.  An community or organization that has an active Excellence Agenda will see:

  • greater satisfaction and engagement from participants
  • higher levels of innovation and creativity
  • a positive ROI for the effort expended on the Excellence Agenda (Excellence is Free!)
  • higher levels of sustainability; financially, environmentally and on any other dimension you can think of
In future posts we will outline some of the steps required to build and maintain an Excellence Agenda and in particular, discuss Communities of Excellence. 



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